


この動画は身体の「軸」について、実演をしながら詳しく分かりやすく解説しています。 2016年10月下旬発売予定、日本武道学舎学長・吉田始史の著書「4つの軸で強い武術」と合わせてご覧頂くと、さらに深く理解できる内容になっています。 正しい姿勢は、「何故?」と驚かれるような凄い力が出ます。 色々な「技」はもちろん、「日常生活の動き」にも大きな差が出てきます。 「正しい姿勢」と「正しい動き」は表裏一体、「正しい姿勢」ができてこそ「正しい動き」ができるのです。 ※通信環境の良い場所で閲覧ください。Wi-Fiなど無線LAN環境での閲覧をお勧めします。詳しくは「よくある質問( http://necfru.jp/qa )」をご覧下さい。 ※スマートフォン・タブレット・パソコン等、お好きな端末でご覧いただけます。 ----- 日本武道学舎学長 吉田始史(よしだ もとふみ) プロフィール 1959年、北海道焼尻島生まれ。 15歳より空手を始め、その後、合気道、剣道などあらゆる武道を修める。 1999年より、長年にわたる修練を通して導き出した、あらゆる(身体の)動きを解析する「運動基礎理論」を提唱。 2003年3月、空手・合気道の指導と、学問も修める“生涯教育の場”として「日本武道学舎」を開設。 (日本武道学舎 ウェブサイト http://nihonbudogakusya.com/ ) 看護の視点からも「仙骨」を正しく使いこなせば必ず健康になり、ダイエット等にも効果が高いことを健康雑誌等で公表し話題を呼ぶ。 デイサービスも経営しており、独自の理論を取り入れたケアでも好評を得ている。 著書に「コツでできる!合気道 - 運動基礎理論に学ぶ【武道のコツ】」、「7つの意識だけで身につく強い体幹 」、「武道のコツでスポーツに勝つ!―運動基礎理論が教える」などがあり、「仙骨姿勢講座」等は海外アジア圏でも発売され反響を得ている。 (吉田始史の書籍一覧→ http://goo.gl/6giW0y ) 書籍のほか、DVDの販売やメールマガジンの発行、介護や護身術などの講演会も行なう。 現在も、日々の稽古を欠かさず、常に「前へ前へ」と様々なことにチャレンジしている。 ●日本武道学舎ウェブサイト http://nihonbudogakusya.com/ ●日本武道学舎facebookページ https://www.facebook.com/bugakusya/

    • 1:22:54
    • 1,480 円

    ライントレーニング vol.2

    Sports Multiply

    Line Training 公式 facebook ページ; https://www.facebook.com/LTLab Single Line Basic Footwork 5種(約2分40秒) facebook ; https://www.facebook.com/LTLab Single Line Basic 全5種 Side 3 Step Forward Crossover Backward Crossover Forward Switch Backward Step Back

      • 02:39
      • 200 円

      ライントレーニング vol.1

      Sports Multiply

      Line Training Lab 監修 1本の線を使ったフットワークコーディネーショントレーニング。 基本となるステップを中心にダウンロード出来ます。 動画を見ながら、フットワークトレーニングしてみましょう。 Line Training 公式 facebook ページ;https://www.facebook.com/LTLab Single Line Basic Footwork 7種(約4分30秒)

        • 04:33
        • 200 円

        Dr.F's The Secrets Of Top Fighters Part 2


        Dr.F's Fighting Festival in HK 2015. https://www.facebook.com/nokaratenolife regular price 3121JPY (about 27.5USD,24.34EUR,17.35GBP,199.56HKD) ↓↓↓ Limited special price now. Part1 http://necfru.jp/video?id=3993 The represent of Society of fighting medicine.He is a certified sports doctor of the Japan Medical Association. A member of the Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine and the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. Part-time teacher in Teikyo Science University. He learned karate from 8 years old at Shotokan.and began Yoshukai fullcontact karate & Judo training in junior high school. During his high school era, he achieved his 2nd dan black belt and his coach qualification from Yoshukai. At 17 years old,he became a member of Japanese team competing in the Japanese-American karate championship held in Panama City. After high school, he joined Kyokushin-Kaikan and set up a Kyokushin-karate activity club when he was studying medical doctorate degree in Kochi Medical School. During this peroid, he also won the West Japan Byakuren-Kaikan karate open tournament. In order to fulfill his passions in medicine and combat sports, he moved to Tokyo and trained under the 2 times Kyokushin-Karate world Champhion Tsukamoto Norichika and also Dr.F fought in Kyokushin tournaments.He became the first doctor who got champion of Kyokushin Jonan Branch twice,and Kyokushin Karate Fukusima Open tournament.Also he fought in All Japan weight tournament,during doctor resident. After taking sports doctor qualification, he began to work as a ring Doctor of Rings,Kyokushin,Jujistu,and many more. He was also top fighter’s team doctor of K-1 veterans such as Nitta Akeomi, Takayuki Kohiruimaki , Virgil Kalakoda; PRIDE veterans Gary Goodridge; Female kick boxing champion Gracyer Aki and 2 times Kyokushin-Karate world champion Tsukamoto Norichika (ShinKyokushin-Kai),and more. His wisdom and hospitality have been enpowering the fighters. Dr. F holds seminars around the world in order to share linkage between combat sports and medicine where he gained from his high intensive works as a sports doctor and a passionate martial artist.His major works includes "Junior Combat Sports Budo Safetly Improvements Manual book", "kinematics of Combat Sport of DVD1 ,2,3&4", "KO's AnatomyDVD facial chapter" and "KO's AnatomyDVD body & lower part chapter.” “KO sand bag ”.Dr.F’s Fightolgy will open the door of your possibility.

          • 39:15
          • 777 円

          Dr.F's The Secrets Of Top Fighters Part 1


          Dr.F's Fighting Festival in HK 2015. https://www.facebook.com/nokaratenolife regular price 3121JPY (about 27.5USD,24.34EUR,17.35GBP,199.56HKD) ↓↓↓ opening special price 1999JPY (about 16.46USD,15.59EUR,11.11GBP,127.81HKD) The represent of Society of fighting medicine.He is a certified sports doctor of the Japan Medical Association. A member of the Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine and the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. Part-time teacher in Teikyo Science University. He learned karate from 8 years old at Shotokan.and began Yoshukai fullcontact karate & Judo training in junior high school. During his high school era, he achieved his 2nd dan black belt and his coach qualification from Yoshukai. At 17 years old,he became a member of Japanese team competing in the Japanese-American karate championship held in Panama City. After high school, he joined Kyokushin-Kaikan and set up a Kyokushin-karate activity club when he was studying medical doctorate degree in Kochi Medical School. During this peroid, he also won the West Japan Byakuren-Kaikan karate open tournament. In order to fulfill his passions in medicine and combat sports, he moved to Tokyo and trained under the 2 times Kyokushin-Karate world Champhion Tsukamoto Norichika and also Dr.F fought in Kyokushin tournaments.He became the first doctor who got champion of Kyokushin Jonan Branch twice,and Kyokushin Karate Fukusima Open tournament.Also he fought in All Japan weight tournament,during doctor resident. After taking sports doctor qualification, he began to work as a ring Doctor of Rings,Kyokushin,Jujistu,and many more. He was also top fighter’s team doctor of K-1 veterans such as Nitta Akeomi, Takayuki Kohiruimaki , Virgil Kalakoda; PRIDE veterans Gary Goodridge; Female kick boxing champion Gracyer Aki and 2 times Kyokushin-Karate world champion Tsukamoto Norichika (ShinKyokushin-Kai),and more. His wisdom and hospitality have been enpowering the fighters. Dr. F holds seminars around the world in order to share linkage between combat sports and medicine where he gained from his high intensive works as a sports doctor and a passionate martial artist.His major works includes "Junior Combat Sports Budo Safetly Improvements Manual book", "kinematics of Combat Sport of DVD1 ,2,3&4", "KO's AnatomyDVD facial chapter" and "KO's AnatomyDVD body & lower part chapter.” “KO sand bag ”.Dr.F’s Fightolgy will open the door of your possibility.

            • 39:49
            • 1,999 円

            002国際柔術連盟無級型「鉢巻の付け方」 KJJR 10th kyu [How to put on a Hachimaki]


            種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

              • 01:48
              • 100 円

              003国際柔術連盟無級型「襷の掛け方」 KJJR 10th kyu [How to put on a Tasuki]


              種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                • 01:13
                • 100 円

                004国際柔術連盟無級型「袴のたたみみ方」 KJJR 10th kyu [How to fold a Hakama]


                種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                  • 03:36
                  • 100 円

                  001国際柔術連盟無級型「袴の着け方」 KJJR 10th kyu [How to put on a Hakama]


                  種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                    • 05:08
                    • 100 円

                    007国際柔術連盟無級型「爪先の大事」 KJJR 10th kyu [The point of toe]


                    種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                      • 01:37
                      • 100 円

                      008国際柔術連盟無級型「組手の大事」 KJJR 10th kyu [The point of Kumite]


                      種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                        • 04:31
                        • 100 円

                        005国際柔術連盟無級型「師礼の法」 KJJR 10th kyu [The manners for Teacher]


                        種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                          • 01:57
                          • 100 円

                          006国際柔術連盟無級型「メモ時のマナー」 KJJR 10th kyu [The manners when haw to take a memo]


                          種村宗家が相伝を受けた柔術各流派を統合させた(高木流、浅山一傳流、九鬼神流、柳生心眼流等)を各ランク毎に国際柔術連盟(KJJR)の会員・門人用に作成したものです。伝統的真の柔術とは何かということがよく分かります。 These traditional Jujutsu Schools inherited by Grandmaster Shoto Tanemura (Takagi Ryu, Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Yagyu Shingan Ryu) are taught to licensed students / members of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei. By joining and training in the KJJR, one will come to know what authentic traditional jujutsu techniques are very well.

                            • 01:59
                            • 100 円